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No new pictures to show you but we weren't just sitting around over Spring Break. We cleared some trees and cactus, mowed and trimmed the yard and the front pasture and planted some cactus. Our granddaughters helped me save some baby cactus that got torn out of the ground when they were working on the county road that leads to the land. We rescued them and planted them at the proverbial "Fork in the Road" on our land. And of course we had to name them so when you come to visit make sure you stop and say hello to Tike (it was the smallest cactus named by Cali) MotoMoto (the biggest, named by Hannah), Tanner (due to its crazy hair, named by Tom), and Live Forever Freddy (the hardest to rescue, named by Hannah). Then we went found two more baby Sotols and planted them with the rest. Their names are Bitty and Baby. We also planted a Mulberry tree for Francesca. The place is shaping up and we hope that you will come visit soon. Happy Spring Everyone!!!

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